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May 13, 2022

Unnecessary Inventions with Matty Benedetto (Ep 39)

Matty Benedetto is the host, creator, and evil genius behind Unnecessary Inventions, where he showcases his totally unnecessary inventions. Inventions that solve problems that don’t exist, but actually seem kinda practical.    In this...

Matty Benedetto is the host, creator, and evil genius behind Unnecessary Inventions, where he showcases his totally unnecessary inventions. Inventions that solve problems that don’t exist, but actually seem kinda practical. 


In this episode Matty and I talk about his army of 3D printers, his Superbowl commercial, and how he makes his ingenius inventions. 


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Why tarot is more effective than you think. With EsoTarot (Ep. 81)

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